Monday, 17 February 2025

Audience Feedback

This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience in order to receive helpful feedback. We were told to receive 4 responses to our feedback form - completed by Giorgio, Carrick, and Jaden

The purpose of a screen test is to gain audience feedback about our work and see if their are any improvements that can be made. We decided to use Microsoft Forms to create a survey to share with our audience because we want to be able to improve our media product for the intended audience Here are our questions: 

1. How do you think J MUSE appeals to you? What characteristics does he exhibit which makes him likable or relatable?

2. What can J MUSE do more of to interact and engage with you (the audience) on a personal level?

3. What other genres would you like to see J MUSE to explore?

4. What would you like to see frequently on J MUSE's social media page?

5. What content would you like to see occasionally on J MUSE's social media page?

6. How frequently would you like J MUSE to post on his social media page?

7. Who would you like to see J MUSE engage in a collaboration with?

8. What are your impressions on the Digipak of J MUSE's latest album?

9. What do you think can be added or removed to ensure a high quality product for you (the audience)?

10. Would you buy the Digipak?

11. Tell us what you think of the other song names in this album?

12. What aspects of the original music video did you like or dislike?

13. What did you understand regarding the plot or storyline?

14. What kind of feeling/vibe did you feel throughout our music video? In the beginning, at the end, or generally. Did you enjoy it?

15. What kind of ‘feeling’/’vibe’ do you want to feel or be captured by the end of the video? (i.e. Melancholy, funky, upbeat, edgy, etc…)

We chose these questions because we believe they were necessary in order to provide a higher quality media product. We included members of our target demographic in the screen test to ensure that the feedback we receive is appropriate. Finding people for the screen test was easy because we go to school with the same people who match our demographics and psychographics. Here are the drafts that we showed audiences for the screen test: 




Here are the responses:

1. How do you think J MUSE appeals to you? What characteristics does he exhibit which makes him likable or relatable?
Respondent 1: He haven't see him personally or in an image. But I do think that he will be extremely good looking as a music artist.
Respondent 2: He’s confidence and charizzma, he is confident in how he feels and looks.
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

2. What can J MUSE do more of to interact and engage with you (the audience) on a personal level?
Respondent 1: Do a livestream on Instagram daily for his fans to engage personally with him.
Respondent 2: Not much tbh 
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

3. What other genres would you like to see J MUSE to explore?
Respondent 1: Jazz
Respondent 2: K-POP jawa metal and koplo
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

4. What would you like to see frequently on J MUSE's social media page?
Respondent 1: J Muse flexing his muscles.
Respondent 2: Comedy
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

5. What content would you like to see occasionally on J MUSE's social media page?
Respondent 1: A day in my life as J MUSE.
Respondent 2: Comedy
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

6. How frequently would you like J MUSE to post on his social media page?
Respondent 1: Everyday if possible
Respondent 2: Comedy
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

7. Who would you like to see J MUSE engage in a collaboration with?
Respondent 1: Bruno Mars
Respondent 2: Uncle Roger
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

8. What are your impressions on the Digipak of J MUSE's latest album?
Respondent 1:It's very interesting and appealing for young teens especially for those who are into R&B music.
Respondent 2: Very sigma alpha male
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

9. What do you think can be added or removed to ensure a high quality product for you (the audience)?
Respondent 1: Nothing. It's perfect already
Respondent 2: Maybe the outfits could be better
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

10. Would you buy the Digipak?
Respondent 1: No, because I don't know who is J Muse?
Respondent 2: Sure
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

11. Tell us what you think of the other song names in this album?
Respondent 1: I don't know what to say about this.
Respondent 2: Kind of to basic, I mean THERES nothing wrong with it, it’s just not appealing ykwim?
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

12. What aspects of the original music video did you like or dislike?
Respondent 1: It's gives off an relaxing and chill vibe to the audience. Although, it may seem boring for some audience since the MV is only located in one setting.
Respondent 2: I didn’t watch the music video because Jaden didn’t give any music video link or sum…. But he sent screenshots and in my opinion I guess it’s pretty good for starters like you guys or students like yall. I would give it a 6.7/10
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

13. What did you understand regarding the plot or storyline?
Respondent 1: Nothing. They're just singing in a studio.
Respondent 2: i can’t really say anything on this
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

14. What kind of feeling/vibe did you feel throughout our music video? In the beginning, at the end, or generally. Did you enjoy it?
Respondent 1: Relaxing and chill sensation
Respondent 2: Funny
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

15. What kind of ‘feeling’/’vibe’ do you want to feel or be captured by the end of the video? (i.e. Melancholy, funky, upbeat, edgy, etc…)
Respondent 1: J Muse relaxing on a beach with a stunning sunset.
Respondent 2: Funny and happy
Respondent 3:
Respondent 4:

From the feedback (or lack thereof), we learnt that it is important to promote J MUSE by having him engage with his audience and start to build a base of support. Regarding the digipak, we found that it was well received by the audience, but that nobody would want to purchase it. The audience really want to see more of J MUSE on his social media, posting daily content and even some very interesting and personal images and stories about J MUSE. We also found that the music video feedback is in sync with what we want to portray to the audience, however the storyline is pretty vague and unclear to the audience. This is something we need to work on together and change to ensure that the audience is given the highest possible quality media products. We want to make sure that people will not just like J MUSE's digipak, but also splash out to actually go out and purchase it. 

One other major thing we learnt through seeking feedback is that people are not too keen on providing us with feedback. Our form was sent out to multiple people but only two responded. This tells us that we have not done a very good job at promoting J MUSE to our targeted and intended audience. This is something we must work on and seek advice regarding. One thing we thought of together was to learn from the errors of previous artists and adopt their way of thinking, rather than walking into this blindly. Something we considered was hiring a social media manager to help promote our artist. However, this idea was short lived after we found out how much it would actually cost to hire a social media manager through LinkedIn. So we decided to learn from open source websites that had this information such as the following which had a really simple nine step plan: regard to the digipak, not much information was shared with us so we had to again turn to research to help us get a better idea. One such place we turned to for analysis that would give us the right feedback is this link here, which showcases a R&B digipak and analysis which we learnt that handwritten style of writing is preferable and used. We hope that this would help us get a better understanding in the direction we should be going given the lack of responses to our survey.

What we intend to do is to take into consideration the feedback we received from our two respondents and apply it to the nine steps. Of course as we mentioned previously, we intend to change details regarding the storyline of the music video, the posts and frequency of posts on our social media page for J MUSE, and create a strategy that would introduce, promote, and energise a base of support for J MUSE and his music. Once we are able to do that, we will be able to come back with even more feedback to ensure that we can produce a high quality media product that will be popular among our target audience. 

Since we didn't have a music video draft, we had to make do with screenshots. This was a useful part of our process because it allowed our audience to have a sneak peek at what is ahead and ensure that we get the feedback we need most to help us with the editing process. So far we are not satisfied with the result of our attempt at getting feedback. However, we have already discussed and implemented some very vital and key steps to get J MUSE's name out there for the world to see. The research we did helped a lot because we weren't able to get many responses from the survey so we had to look elsewhere for information that would steer us on the right track. 

I was in charge with social media management, I had to create a valid and proper Instagram account. I created a gmail specifically for our artist. We actually use the social media page to introduce J Muse to the audience for feedback/reactions, because we didn't have the finished product or mv yet. It was surprisingly hard for the team to find people to give feedbacks on J Muse. It was frustrating because the simple task came across the team very messily and so many miscommunication happened due to lack of chemistry between some team members on working as one productive team. 

Post Production - Editing

Here is the development of the editing stage - completed by Giorgio

Production - Behind the Scenes

Here are the behind the scenes of creating our music video project - completed by Carrick and Jaden

Production - File Organisation

Here are the ways in which we organised our files which made our editing and production process a lot simpler - completed by Giorgio and Carrick

Advantages of our system of organisation
  • All the footage available in one place
  • Accessible to all members of the team
Disadvantages of our system of organisation
  • No labels to determine which footage is good or bad
  • No thumbnails
  • Everything very disorganised

Advantages of using Google Drive
  • All our group members were able to access all the video files without having to uploading all the videos to a DVD drive and downloading it from the DVD drive
  • Automatically updates when someone deletes, uploads, or renames a file
  • Allows for any file type to be uploaded
  • Compatible between mobile phones and computers
Disadvantages of using Google Drive
  • Must have internet to access the files
  • No offline back up
  • Can only take up to 15gb of storage compared to DVD drives
This type of file organisation benefits us as we are typically organised when we are disorganised. This means that the style of disorganisation best suits us. Having all the resources compiled in one place is very beneficial to us as it is accessible to us at all times when we have internet. 

Artist's Persona and Brand Identity

Here is what my group and I decided with regard to a persona for our star to be reflected in our products.

Here are some questions provided by my teacher to help us construct an identity for our star.

Here are my groups' ideas


Digipak Research and Development

Here is our research and development into the Digipak - completed by ...

Social Media Research and Development