Thursday, 31 October 2024

Classwork: Camera, Mise-en-scene, Sound, and Edit

Here is classwork we were assigned to do individually where we learnt about camera angles and shots, mise-en-scene, different sounds, edits, and storyboards.


Camera angles/shots are different ways of using the position and angles of a camera to convey emotions and tell a story. 

Heres a video of about camera angles that I search on YouTube and watch alone at home:

Here is materials from my teacher's presentation that I often refer back to for my projects.
Camera Angles

Camera Shots


Camera remains static

Calm, peace, normal

Push in

Camera moves slowly toward subject

Brings the audience closer, more involved, getting more serious. 

Pull out

Camera moves slowly away from subject

Takes audience away from the action, leaving a character. Detaching from subject


Side to side, camera fixed

Reveal information, mirrors natural head movement of the audience. 


Up and down, camera fixed

Same as pan, just a different direction


Camera moves around freely

More immersive, we are moving inside the subjects world, we feel part of the action


Camera moves around on tracks

Similar to dolly, but smoother. 



Reveals the epic size of the setting, landscape. 


Camera is shakey

Very natural, immersive. High energy



Brings audience closer to budget. Draws our attention to something. 

Sound design can impact the emotions of the audience, and can help inform them of where a scene is taking place and what is happening. 




Diegetic sound

Sound that can be heard by the characters within the media text. 

Add a sense of realism. Reveal information to characters (and then audience)

Non diegetic sound

Sound that can only be heard by the audience.

Enhance meaning, create an emotional response in the audience

Trans diegetic sound 

Sound that transitions from one to the other. 

Creates a link between the audience and the world. More immersive

Here is a video I watch to get a better understanding on sound designs in media:





Positive and pleasing connotations

Enhances a positive scene. Create positive emotions in the audience.


Harsh and unpleasant connotations. 

Enhance negative scenes.  Create suspense, tension, anxiety


Has an opposite tone to the on-screen visuals. 

Adds deeper meaning to scenes. Insight into the character's thoughts. Maybe they seek pleasure in doing bad things. 

Melodic Example (The last part of the scene):

Discordant example:

Contrapuntal example:

Refers to the arrangement of actors, scenery, and props in a theatrical or film production:

Visual example of each MES (Credit to Kristine Blog post):
Here is a video I got from another student and watched about:

Here is a video I watched that helped me understand MES better through movie analysis: 

the process of selecting, organizing, and preparing visual, written, audible, or cinematic material to convey a message or information. 

Here are types of edits (from my teacher's presentation):

Continuity Editing

Non continuity editing 

  • Straight cut (cut)

  • Eyeline match 

  • Shot /reverse shot

  • Cutaway / Insert 

*Match cut

  • Cross cut (parallel cut)

  • Flash back

  • Flash forward

  • Jump cut 

*Match cut

Here is a layout of a storyboard with its a description for each feature.
This has helped me in making my storyboards.

My first ever storyboard that I made for an advertisement project:

I enjoyed making this blog as it allowed me to recap everything I've learned about the basics of media production. This was time consuming but I have more than enough time before the deadline, which allow to work without pressure. For the recap I had to return back to old presentations and personal blog posts. I did research and digging about what I've covered last year which took awhile but it was very useful. This recap helped improved my understanding of these film-making media concepts and terminologies, as it refreshed my memory about it. I hope this recap will be useful for this project. I will implement very good concepts that I actually forgot about on the music video.

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